February 28, 2014 My Love From Another Star My Love From Another Star, also known as You Who Came From The Stars. About an alien who landed on Earth 400 years ago… Continue reading
February 23, 2014 CNBLUE 5th Mini Album – Can’t Stop Fiuh. Finally, long wait is over. Haha. CNBLUE finally released their 5th mini album, Can’t Stop exactly at 12am KST on Feb 24th 2014…. Continue reading
February 22, 2014 Pre Wedding Rush Hey! Baru aja menyelesaikan buku Pre-wedding Rush oleh Okke ‘Sepatumerah’. Kayaknya ga butuh waktu lama untuk aku nyelesain buku ini. Menarik soalnya dan tema-nya… Continue reading
February 17, 2014 CNBLUE featured as ‘Headliner’ of The Month by Mnet America It’s so cool. CNBLUE are being featured as the Headliner of this February by Mnet America. Headliner is a special program. A monthly biography series… Continue reading
February 8, 2014 #NGENEST (Ngetawain Hidup Ala Ernest) Sejujurnya gw nyesal baru baca buku ini sekarang dan kenapa ga dari kemaren kemaren. Udah 2 bulan dibeli baru selesai baca hari ini. Serius… Continue reading
February 6, 2014 Prime Minister & I Good drama to end 2013 and to start the 2014. I really like this light romantic comedy drama. The love story of a cute… Continue reading
February 1, 2014 Dunia Mara Finally finished reading this book. Sebenarnya bukunya udah diterima sejak bulan lalu, tapi apa daya baru menyelesaikannya hari ini. An anticipated novella by Sitta… Continue reading
January 31, 2014 Comic 8 Finally. Bisa nonton Comic 8 hari ini. Sejujurnya tertarik nonton karena happening banget di timeline twitter dan dimainkan oleh stand up comedian favoritku. Ada… Continue reading
January 23, 2014 The Secret Life of Walter Mitty About two weeks ago, watched this movie and impressed with everything about it. I love with the character Walter Mitty. I fell in love… Continue reading
January 18, 2014 Gu Family Book Yup I think it’s romance after all. I love the story line. I have watched ‘gumiho’ story before, My Girlfriend is a Gumiho which Seung… Continue reading