My Liberation Notes

For me it’s a well executed and well production. My Liberation Notes, written by Kim Suk Yoon who also wrote a baeksang winning award drama, My Mister. They have similar vibes in my opinion. My Liberation Notes is a genius slice-of-life story tells us about liberation. What is liberation? It’s something I’m thinking about too.

After finished watching it, I think I can say that this drama is about how a person being liberated, how a person can be free to be who they really are. Not pretending, not being fake. Just be themselves. Tbh I’m afraid writing this drama, beause this is too deep and too beautiful. Will I write it well from my POV?

Strory focus on Yeom Family, who lives in Sanpo, ‘faraway’ from Seoul. Yeom father has Sink service business. Their mom is a housewife supporting the father and the family. They have 3 children, Gijeong, Changhee, Mijeong. There is also someone working for their father for the Sink service and working in the farm near their house. It’s Mr Gu. His character is also important here. The 3 children has 3 different personalities. Their character development is something I want to highlight here. You’ll see the progress from episode 1 to the last.

*contain spoilers*

Gijeong. My view is that she has insecurity about her life. She thinks that she’s getting old like no one would ask her to date. Until she meets someone who is introverted, named Taehun, in an uncomfortable situation which makes his sister and daughter disagree with their relationship. But somehow I’m amazed with Gijeong because she’s survived the relationship with him, even though until the end (from my understanding) Taehun’s family have not approved. I love their relationship and even tho Taehun’s sister so mean to her, she stays with Taehun because he makes her happy.

Changhee. I think Changhee character is the most developed among the siblings. His role as the only brother in the house is showed after their mom passed away. At first I was annoyed by his character, but slowly I become attched to his character and Lee Min Ki portrays this character well. Actually I wish he was dating Hyeona. Not sure and clear about their relationship in the end, but well his liberation is not what I’m thinking about. Love his ending, love what he finally chooses for his future.

Mijeong. The word liberation is coming from Mijeong. She was one bullied and harrased by her boss and her officemate. She and her introverted friends at her office make a social club named Liberation Club… the rules for the club are so amazingly relatable. “I will not pretend to be happy. I will not pretend to be unhappy. I will be honest.” They really want to be liberated, from faking smile, fake being happy, etc.

She meets Mr Gu, who can accept her and with him, Mijeong can be herself. Her struggling life has changed after she meets Mr Gu. I love all of their convo, in every episode, I like how they stare at each other, how they response to each other.

Mr. Gu. He has unique personality. An alcoholic, a manager of a club and short story he finds yeom’s family and meets Mijeong. Mijeong’s present really changes him, vice versa. Mr Gu at first in the earlier episode is so silent, his depression and thoughts in his head I can’t guess. He drinks alcohol everyday. In the few last eps if I’m not mistaken he says to Mijeong that when he’s sober, he thinks that people from the past came to him, he hates them and that’s why he drinks again. And I think he wants to be liberated from that feelings.

His interaction with Mijeong is so warmth and deep. At first I don’t understand. But seriously they build some kind of relationship that supports them as human being, that can make them survive in their struggling life.

Again I can say that their convo is magical, and kudos to the writer who makes this drama with great conversations. One convo between Mijeong and Gu that is my fave:

If you have 5 minutes in peace, it’s bearable. When I hold the door open for a kid at a convenient store and the kid says thank you, that makes me happy for 7 seconds. When I open my eyes in the morning and remember it’s Saturday, that makes me happy for 10 seconds. Fill up 5 minutes a day like that. That’s how I survive.

Yeom Mijeong
Picture: via twitter @wiwitto, credit to the owner

Mijeong relationship with Mr Gu is so special. They worship each other and I just want them to be happy, to be free, to be liberated. Yeom father who is usually silent, after left by their mom and remarried, he’s cared by new wife and he eventually can let his children do what they want to do.

About the ending of Yeom family and Mr Gu, I just want to say it’s a happy ending from my Point of View. What I see is that they find their liberation eventually and I see their smile in the end. But I let you all find your own perception of the ending.

This drama is one of the epic dramas in the history. The relatable story telling through the imperfect characters and the reality. I also wanna thank the writer who creates the great characters, especially Mr Gu (yeah Mr Gu become one of my fave characters in dramaland) and brings them out into such a beautiful drama. I felt empty after finished watching this drama. FYI, It takes two days to write this and still not satisfied but this is all I can think of right now :))

Last but not least, I hope this drama at least will become the nomination for Baeksang Art Awards best drama, just like My Mister back then. Thank you… and remember, one of the quotes from the drama: Something Good Will Happen to You Today.

Found a blog that has quotes from My Liberation Notes <here> you can read cos it’s a gem. Thank you!

Watch on netflix

Pictures: hancinema | Teaser: netflix asia

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