The Three Musketeers Episode 05


Episode 05. Park Dal Hyang found Yong Gol Dae (YGD) and fought with him. He wanted to follow King’s Order to catch him.


Dal Hyang fighting scene is what I have been waiting for. So I am very happy that Yonghwa acts very well πŸ™‚ I want to see YH acts more and more in action scenes, just curious and excited.

Dal Hyang failed to catch and YGD successfully ran away. Seems like someone tried to make Dal Hyang fails.


When Dal Hyang tried to shoot YGD, he first got shot by someone, Min Seo.


Seemed like Min Seo and Seung Po tried to make Dal Hyang fail and wanted to catch YGD alive.


He got hurt and taken care by his servant. Hm Nice Dal Hyang even you got hurt but still handsome. Kkkk.


Dal Hyang woke up, still not sure what happened between Prince and Mi Ryung. Thought that he needed to tell Prince soon about Mi Ryung and what happened to him.


Aigoo Dal Hyang so hot in his uniform. He came to the palace to meet the Prince. He met Princess. Awkward moment. Dal Hyang asked Princess why she still kept the letter as she told him that she would burn the love letter.


The letter was copied by Mi Ryung and would not be good for the Princess if Mi Ryung spread it. She also cried and said she didn’t like being at the palace cos no one she can trust.

Dal Hyang also ask the Princess if she’s not loved. She even answered with, what is love? Dal Hyang feels so sad to Princess. Dal Hyang also warned Princess to be careful with people around her cos she maybe will be the target of the one who stole the letter.


Dal Hyang told the Prince about Mi Ryung and asked why Prince wanted to kill her before. Prince didnt answer. Dal hyang said Mi Ryung is so scary.

He also asked the Prince to take care of Princess cos he worried about the princess safety. Dal Hyang so innocent. Prince felt not good about Dal Hyang’s ‘warning’.


After meeting Dal Hyang, Prince went to Princess and told her that all things happened bcos of his fault and he wanted the princess to trust him. Kkkk. You can watch here, on this scene I felt that Prince was so jealous with Dal Hyang. Oh jealousy.

YGD caught by the three musketeers. Prince wanted to negotiate that he didn’t want a war. It’s about politic. No one knows. But Dal Hyang who found out something fishy when he met Seung Po and Min Seo. He went to the library where Seung Po and Min Seo went with the Prince. Dal Hyang was very sure that YGD was in the library. He wanted to catch him as King’s order. Seung Po and Min Seo tried to blocked Dal Hyang to enter the library.


Prince came out. And they fought. It’s swords fight. But I smell fight was not only bcos of the King’s order to catch YGD but also bcos of jealousy. About Woman we know who. I cant believe Prince can be jealous too without he realizes.


Suddenly Princess appeared in the middle of the fight to stop it. To stop a man-to-man fight.



Aaaaaah. I love this episode. I saw alot of Dal Hyang’s fight scenes. So basically this episode talks about Jealous and Jealous. Jealousy. even though there’s a politic scene where Prince wanted to negotiate with YGD about to stop the war. I think that’s the good point of Prince who can think the future of both countries. He’s smart.

Meanwhile, Dal Hyang is the one who is very loyal to the King. Maybe bcos he’s very young and new in the politic case in the country he doesnt decide carefully, still based on the emotion. Hope you get what I mean. But I think that’s his charm. He is very pure and loyal officer. Fighting Dal Hyang!

About the love line, Finally Prince has fallen for the Princess Yoon Seo and jealous with Dal Hyang. And Dal Hyang who still has feelings for Princess tried to comfort and protect her. Ah Dal Hyang…. You are too kind but she’s already someone’s wife. Hehehe.

But I hope he can be more mature with the love line and the politics issue in the country. Well, we can all see that the one who’s suffering a lot among The Prince, Princess and Dal Hyang is the Princess Yoon Seo… πŸ™


Last but not least, I found out that Yonghwa’s forehead is very sexy. Hehehe πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ Ah Cant wait episode 6.


Watch it on VIKI

Sorry for late post…

Episode 6 Preview (30Sec):

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