October 13, 2012 Reply 1997 Reply 1997, aka Answer Me 1997. At first I wasn’t interested in this drama. But Thanks to Seo In Guk and Eun Ji, becos… Continue reading
October 6, 2012 Perahu Kertas The Movie Film Perahu Kertas yang diadaptasi dari Novel Dee, Dewi Lestari ini dengan judul yang sama “Perahu Kertas” dibagi menadi 2 part. Part 1, sesuai… Continue reading
August 23, 2012 Queen In Hyun’s Man – Rooftop Prince Just finished watching these two dramas. Actually, both have the same theme. The stroy line is similar. The main cast travels from the Old… Continue reading
July 28, 2012 BIG Another Korean Drama that can make me cry. Even tho the story seems a bit unrealistic, but it can make me feel the emotions… Continue reading
July 28, 2012 Fool – Juniel Feat. Jung Yonghwa Wah I’m addicted to this song. Juniel soft voice is very great, and of course our Jung Yonghwa really did a great job, not… Continue reading
June 2, 2012 Love Rain Love Rain. A melodrama. At first it’s boring since the first 2 episodes are about the past. Then the story begins and are more… Continue reading
June 2, 2012 The King 2 Hearts Awesome. That’s my first word when I watch the first episode. Even though for me they put a sensitive issue in this drama, this… Continue reading
May 24, 2012 Kopi Tuan A small coffee shop at Cihampelas Walk, Bandung. Bisa dijadikan referensi tempat nongkrong dan ‘main uno’. Secara Bandung dingin, ngopi-ngopi anget dengan harga yang… Continue reading
April 28, 2012 Rumah Cokelat Finally done reading Rumah Cokelat oleh Sitta Karina. Dari dulu ga pernah ketinggalan baca buku-bukunya Sitta Karina especially tentang keluarga Hanafiah. Berbeda dari teenlit… Continue reading
April 15, 2012 Carlo de Huts Casual dining restaurant, located at Senayan City. So you can have lunch, dinner or if you just want to hangout with friends. Specialty in… Continue reading