The Three Musketeers Episode 02


E02: The Three Musketeers. Started with Park Dal Hyang (PDH) who caused trouble at the military exam. Oh poor Dal Hyang. He accidentally shot a horse and it was a chaos. Ministers got hurt and even the King’s face suffered from abrasion. PDH who made the chaos was being discussed by the Royal whether he could pass or fail. PDH worried what would happen to him.


But Crown Prince saved him since he thought that PDH was so talented and it’s unfair to fail him. Finally King forgave him and he would be assigned with the lowest position. PDH still confused why Crown Prince saved him.


While writing letter to his parents, Yoon Seo, his first love who’s now wife of the Crown Prince came and told him to forget her. PDH was so sad, His teary eyes made me wanted to hug him tight. Huhuhu.


TTM02-9He then continue wrote letter to parents telling that sorry for not being able to make them come to the ceremony of his military exam and don’t think of Yoon Seo as daughter in law to be because so many pretty girls he met there. Yeah Dal Hyang, forget her and let me hug you…


PDH was invited by The Three Musketeers (Minister Heo Seung Po and An Min Seo) who were sorry for make him failed the first place ranking and would like to buy him drinks and make it up. AMS told PDH the background of Crown Prince and Minister HSP. Then they became friends. When they were drinking, someone from government named Mr. Kim Ja Jun who should have been at Pyungan-do came and had a suspicious discussion in a room. HSP tried to heard the conversation between KJJ and some people in a room. That was about KJJ contacted the ambassadors of Pyungan-do and found out why they were coming to Hanyang. The ambassadors wanted to change their King’s title to Emperor and change their relationship from allied country to a master and servant relationship. KJJ and his people did not report the news to government but wanted to make another plan before the king knew. King would be make a war and KJJ was sure that they will lose with them. KJJ is a traitor and he wanted to send a message to the ambassadors though the messengers (a man and a woman) that part of the government was on their side.


Unfortunately, HSP got caught by the messengers for listening their conversation. They fought and PDH helped. KJJ and his people run out and HSP tried to get them. While PDH had fight with the messenger, Crown Prince came.


Crown Prince tried to get the the traitors, remembered the faces and found there was one woman too. But suddenly he got shocked bcos the woman is Mi Ryung, I think she’s the first love of crown prince who had known died after suicide.


His hand got attacked by another messengers bcos he was so shocked and speechless. The messengers run away riding horse and PDH tried to catch.


But what happened when PDH met the team of the ambassadors and he was just alone? And… Everyone he met that night will change the world. Dal Hyang andweeee…


Whoaaa this episode makes me sad yet nervous. Sad bcos seeing PDH teary eyes, that he has to move on from his first love. And nervous seeing PDH fighting scene. I don’t want to see him lose. Hehehe. Well, I love how Yonghwa is very good in fighting scenes. I am really excited to see more from the next episode. PDH character seems playful, and I saw something funny, when he says ‘you messed with the wrong person today’ when he tries to catch the messengers. lolol… That’s make me laugh. Tbh I really want to see more funny and playful things from Dal Hyang beside the action skills of course. Anticipating … 🙂


Oh Pak Dal Hyang… Eyes Nose Lips… Why so handsome. *eh* Hehehe. See you next week 😀

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