One dream came true. Long waiting was over. Super love this experience. First Jung Yonghwa solo concert in Singapore. Beside I could watch him real close, I could see him performing my favorite songs right in front of me. You know after watching the concert, the deep feeling. At first I really wanted to take lots of pics using my phone, but after the concert started I felt like, I was captivated and could not do anything beside just enjoyed the music, sang along with him I sang and sang til I didn’t realized maybe could annoy people near me. Hahaha. Overall, it’s all a success and superlove the show. Maybe you can say I am too biased, but after experiencing the concert, I can say he’s such a good and professional entertainer.

Here’s my experience, so I can keep it like memories, and read it again when I miss him.
Part 1
The first song: Without You, so emotional. I just got goosebumps all over my body He showed up with his black suit and I just wowed. It’s him. It’s Jung Yonghwa. I miss him so much. You know the last time I saw him was at CNBLUE Blue Moon Tour in Jakarta. And it’s about two years ago!
Cruel Memories. This track is one of my fave ( I fave all songs actually hahaha). Everyone stood up and sang along with him. His perfect voice makes us more into the concert.
One Time, Ryu Can Do it. We feel more hotter. Light sticks were up and we jumped follow the beat. Jung Yonghwa knows how to makes us happy. He threw lots of flying kisses since the concert started. Kkkk.
Checkmate. I wonder he if he sang the JJ Lin part (chinese part) right or not, but it feels like yeah. He sang it very nice. He also tried his best speaking English. He said ‘it’s so good to see you again’. Why I feel it so sexy lah. *slap* Hahaha. Then he continued singing Payphone and Treasure. The cute and funny part, Mileage. His rap no doubt, YDG part was sung so good too.

Part 2
The emotional part, Last Leaf, Yonghwa was back on stage with his white outfits and piano. He was super handsome ottoke. I was so speechless. I sang along with him and he was so deep into the song. Like A Child. Yeah. Finally he performed my favorite again, with his piano it’s just so awesome.
Feeling. From the ballad to the upbeat. He danced and danced so enjoy the performance. That was so nice when he’s happy on stage. It’s not only us but he also enjoyed the concert so much. His stage acts, never stop, made us smile and laugh. Yeah that’s why we love him more and more.
Energy. Really love this song, he’s just like sending his energy to us. I could feel it for sure. Continued to Can’t Stop, I am Sorry and Lady. He asked us to sing with him and of course, everybody sang along and jump jump jump.
I really really enjoy the concert not only bcos of the beautiful voice and good music, but also his stage act. He showed his best, he spoke English (that’s the funny part, favorite part) and even did funny dorky dance for the audiences. Man in Front of the Mirror reggae version. Super love the diff arrangement. It gave new feels. One of my fave from 392 album, CNBLUE’s last indie album in Japan.
Then, Yonghwa introduced his band member. This was the funniest part of the concert I think. He introduced one by one and asked them ‘Are you happy?’ and the band members answered with ‘I am so happy’. He spoke English a lot like bragging to us that he improved his English very well lol. He knows how to entertain us. I love it Yong.
You’ve Fallen For Me. Now everyone’s back into music and jump. After YFFM, he performed Goodnight Lovers and he said it’s the last song. Heeeeey. Back again please. Its too short, not enough!

Part 3: Encore
After we shouted Yonghwa! Yonghwa! Yonghwa! He’s back again with his denim jacket and ripped jeans, sitting on chair. Ahhhh he’s so handsome ottoke. Casual Yong is always impressed me. He sang us 27 Years. This song was so touching with Yonghwa’s child pictures as background on stage. Everyone felt it. 27 years old guy singing in front me. I cannot describe how happy I was that time. Continued to Star, You. He still sat on the chair and that’s so intimate. We sing along together. Fans holding Yellow Star paper as part of project. This song surely for fans.
Love Light! Oh mai gad. Super super awesome. He really loves being on stage and even danced. I was soooo happy I could see Yonghwa singing this song like that with new arrangement and It didn’t lose the feeling of the song. This time I took some pics and recorded his dance even. lol.
Last but not least. One Fine Day. It’s very emotional indeed. Everyone’s singing. And how come he could sing it so beautiful, I got teary eyes. That was such a beautiful piece from him and I didn’t want the concert to end. My One Fine Day.
The venue was so great (plus close to MRT station). I like the stage, the lighting and sound system, all is perfect. I was so happy, thanks to the promoter Datzentertainment, The Star and of course CNBLUE Singapore FC. Thanks to everyone who shared JYH goodies to fans for free.
I was so grateful I could experience it with my Boice friends and thanks so much Yonghwa for being such a great artist. Flying from Jakarta to Singapore, It was all worth it.

Aaakkk beruntung banget deh bisa nonton solo concert yonghwa, thanks udah sharing ya. Btw, come together nanti februari nonton gak??
Hehehe. InshAllah aku nonton 🙂