The Three Musketeers Episode 08


Episode 08: The Crown Princess’ Wish. Prince who got stabbed was brought back to the Palace. Princess waiting and wanted to take care of her husband. But you know what, Mi Ryung was the nurse. That was so shocking.


Princess who at first didnt recognize finally ran to catch Mi Ryung when she went out and ask why she was there. Mi Ryung said she worried about the Prince. Deng. I was actually love her at the last ep. But I think she was born to be antagonist.


Mi Ryung even said sad words to Princess. Poor Bingu Mama… She’s suffering a lot too.


Park Dal Hyang were welcomed by the other Musketeers, Seung Po and Min Seo. Kkkk…. Cute. They even looked happy in prison.


Meanwhile, Princess helped hide Yong Gol Dae and Minister Choi persuaded The King to resolve the YGD case. Choi told The King to find YGD alive and reconciled with him.

The King finally canceled order to kill YGD and as if waiting, he was captured alive and agreed to record this as history. YGD met with Prince and worked closely to avoid the war.


Princess visited Park Dal Hyang. She wanted to consoled Dal Hyang but ended up Dal Hyang who consoled the Princess.  I like this scene where Dal Hyang said to Princess to be happy πŸ™‚


(Look, when Dal Hyang sitting like that, I feel like want to come there bring him meals and hugs… Hahahaha) Okay. Skip. Next.

I think in this ep, this is one of my favorite scene. Dal Hyang – Princess scene was so touchy and lovely. I love how Dal Hyang asked Princess to be happy.


Princess wiped Dal Hyang blood on his face. That’s so lovely.


The Three Musketeers and servants finally were being punished. They will got hit bcos of their faults, Seung Po and Min Seo was hit bcos of they failed to protect Prince and Park Dal Hyang were being punished bcos he had not liability in the affair. kk this is funny scene, especially bcos of Seung Po. You know I wrote before that Seung Po really gives color especially the comedic situation πŸ™‚


The moment like this Dal Hyang still looks so good. His charm!!! The most handsome officer in Joseon Era maybe Hahaha…


Before Min Seo and Dal Hyang got hit, Prince came and saved all of them Hahaha…. Prince came at the right time. But Poor Seung Po he got hit few times already LOL :p>


Park Dal Hyang is free from prison. Prince would like him to be back as officer. His first job after back was to guard Envoy team who would leave Hanyang. He also got a sword by the Prince. Dal Hyang was so happy and felt so good. He would only allowed to use the swords for good things.


KJJ who lost his proud were thinking how to handle YGD. He thought that YGD should just die. He’s still the enemy, the traitor even after everything happened to him. He worked with the one-eyed man who wanted to give Mi Ryung to KJJ. He told everything about Mi Ryung/Hyang Sun.


Princess tried to seduce Prince, I mean as a wife of course. But poor Princes, He ignored her πŸ™


She cried. She even told him that she tried to understand his past, why he hated women too. But after 5 years, she couldn’t handle it anymore. She wanted Prince to set her aside. She wanted Prince to abandon her. Cos she wanted to live with a man who loves him even only in one day. Hiks. I cried a lot. Poor princess. So this is the Princess wish. I wonder what prince reaction… next episode…. Aaaaah….



Hoaaaaa. This episode is so good. I love it. After the writers make me laugh then, I cried watching some scenes. The comedic part when TTM were being punished. That’s so cute Dal Hyang and SeungPo-Min Seo. I love that scenes. Seung Po is so funny character.


Touchy moments:

  • The prison scene. When Princess came to Dal Hyang and Dal Hyang told Princess to be happy. I feel like so proud watching Yonghwa’s acting there. He is really mature now in acting. Yong can moves my heart with his acting.
  • The last scene. When Prince ignored Princess and She cried a lot, I cried a lot too. Poor Princess. Why Prince, like I want to punch you lah huhuhu, she’s suffering a lot almost 5 years. She deserves to be happy too. Huhuhu… Prince will regret later. Did she want to back to Dal Hyang? Cant She? …..
  • LMAO. This is not a touchy moment but unbelievable moment. Hahaha. Two men just winked Dal Hyang this episode. EPIC. You just should watch cos this is makes me getting stomach ache :))

After all one of my favorite scene. Episode 8. But from the preview, I saw that Dal Hyang will get hurt. Ottoke!!!!

Watch the Episode 08 on VIKI


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