Another awesome series from Netflix. D.P., a 6 episode series starring Jung Hae In as Ahn Jun Ho, a soldier who is quite and calm person. He tries to avoid fighting with other soldier.
One day Seargent Park Boem Gu (Kim Sung Kyun) assigned him to DP (Deserter Pursuit) team. The mission of the team is to catch deserter (read: a member of the armed forces who deserts; a member of a military force who abandons service without leave). He then meets Corporal Han Ho Yeol (Koo Kyo Hwan). Seargent Park looks cold but he really takes care of DP team.

At first Jun Ho works with Park Sung Woo (Go Kyung Pyo), and unfortunately he failed the first mission given to him. The deserter even commits suicide. It makes him so down and feels deep guilty. Short story, he then teamed up with Corporal Han. From him he learns about how to catch the deserter, they work together to catch the deserters well.
The backstory of the deserters each episode is somehow touching. The overall story is dark and gritty but it’s very interesting for me. It looks like the writer and and director wants to show us the dark side of military service. The bullying, the harrasment, beacuse it still exists. The senior is showing their power by bullying the junior, in order to get acknowledgement. It’s like a ‘chain’. It’s like a system you can’t change easily.

For me this is a very good series and a must watch. I like how we’re slowly engaged with the situation in the military. Even the ending is so epic. I fall for Corporal Han in the DP team. How he behaves in the military and how he guides Jun Ho well as team mate. Koo Kyo Hwan portrays the characters very well. Of course, Jung Hae In is very good here. Last time I saw him on Tune in for Love, now in this dark drama still he nailed it.

I love this series and I thank the producers, the director, writer and briliiant actors for the amazing story. Appreciate they bring out this theme into this drama. Wrapped with good cinematography and nice background music, the life in miltary feels so real and I can still feel the tense even after I finish it. The emotion developed well. The ending is realistic and left my mouth open.
By having some nice people in the team like Beom Gu, Jun Ho, Han, It won’t change the rotten system. Quoted Cho Suk Bong (Cho Hyun Chul) line on the finale eps:
Cho Suk Bong : You know the canteens we use? Do you know what’s written on them? It says “1953”. They were used during the Korean War. They won’t even change the canteens.

Watch only on Netflix
Pictures: hancinema | Teaser: netflix asia