Twenty Five Twenty one

It’s been a while since I’m so into a drama, into the characters. Now that the series is finished, I feel so empty. I really love Twenty Five Twenty One with all my heart. Not only because it’s beautiful but also because a lot to learn from this drama. I love how the writernim slowly makes me attached into the story, the characters developed so well. I eventually can’t help falling in love so deep with Na Heedo, Baek Yijin, Ko Yurim, Jiwoong and Ji Seungwan.

It’s like a throwback to the 1998 IMF era. Na Heedo desperately wants to join Tae Yang High School Fencing Club in order to reach her dream to become Ko Yurim’s rival, the gold medal national athlete. Long story short she meets Baek Yijin whose family bangkrupt cos the IMF. He’s struggling to survive, working several part-time jobs and cannot continue his college.

Let me explain to you the characters from my point of view:

Na Heedo. I really love Na Heedo’s positive vibes. Her ambitions makes me feel motivated in a good way of course. Her dream is to become Ko Yurim’s rival and she tries her best until the end. Her relationship with her mom is not good at first because of some misunderstanding in the past, but then evetually they become closer. The moment both mother and daughter being good is so touching, I cried a lot…

There’s a moment when Hee Do wins Asian Games and she’s claimed as the one who steals Gold Medal from Yurim, that’s one of the hearbreaking scene. Thanks to Yijin who’s there for her. But she still doesn’t get comforting from her mom. Eventually Yurim’s mom huges and warms her… the sadness good. She feels comforted.

I love how Heedo become a motivation for Baek Yijin too as a human, as a person. Her character makes him having hope. I remember in one episode when Baek Yijin comes to Na Heedo’s practice studio, he said that to her, and I like that scene so much. Yup the script and the conversation between them is magical, I like!!!

Na Hee Do: Why do you root for me?

Baek Yijin: Because you give me hope. And I want more for you.

Baek Yijin. He’s a first love I want in our life. Though his life is so sad, his family get bankrupt because of IMF and it makes them separated. Yijin has to drop from university, Seoul University I think, yup he’s smart. Long short story he stay alone to survive, and he wants to unite his family again. He’s at his lowest point of his life but thanks to Na Hee Do he feels comforted and gets motivated. He wants to do good together with Na He Do. When Hee Do doing his best, he wants to do it too.

Yijin becomes a reporter and they fall in love with each other without realizing, because they are there for each other when they’re down. Ups and Downs but when Yijin is back with confident, and Hee Do finally become an adult and joins national team, they can’t ignore their feelings anymore. They are officially dating with the support of their friends and of course Hee Do’s mom who is also Yijin’s sunbae (senior) at the broadcast station. Oh, he wants to be good like Hee Do’s mom too.

Ko Yurim. Oh actually at first I dislike her… because of she doesn’t want to accept the fact that there’s Hee Do a potential athlete who wants to compete with her. Though Hee Do is sincere as Yu Rim’s fans, yeah Hee Do is Yurim number 1 fans, but there’s insecurity in Yurim. It’s hard for her to reach the number 1 national athlete, but now there’s Hee Do who is progressing really well, and beats her. That’s because of her background coming from not-reach family, while fencing is an expensive sport. She works hard as athlete for her family, while Hee Do fights for her passions. Thanks to Yijin’s family back then she’s funded to join the team. Yurim and Hee do eventually become good friends.

Jiwoong. A handsome guy who likes Yurim so much. He’s always her fans and also a good friend for Hee Do. Oh he has his diaper friend (friend since born), Seungwan. Jiwong is interested in what’s trend, like fashion, dance, band, etc. He’s so up-to-date. And he’s kind of comfort place for Yurim.

Seungwan. She’s a role model. Number 1 at school, but because of she stands for rights, she drops out from school. She speaks up about fairness, physical harassment, especially it happens to her bestie, Jiwoong. The scene where Seungwan defends Jiwoong and confidently drops out from school because she thinks she’s right, is one of the best scenes. Especially when she cries telling the truth to her mom, and her mom supports her very much TT. Oh I though at first, Seungwan has feelings for Jiwoong, but eventually they are proving that a guy and a girl can be friends forever. Seungwan also thinks that her life without Jiwoong will be so boring. He’s her life too.


Actually the love story between Hee Do and Yijin is like a story about first love. They feel motivated toward each other, they admire each other. I love their positive relationship. So deep and meaningful. Thanks to the good script ofc. But when their support cannot reach each other anymore, it flies away. Especially the moment they are still vulnerable because of the past, background and situation. I love how the writernim explores their firstlovestory so deep, that most of the viewers can’t accept that they eventually break up. Sad break up.

But that’s first love of Na Hee Do and Baek Yijin. As Hee Do said, nothing lasts forever. Their summer memory will stay in Hee Do’s diary… as good memories. On the other side, Ji Woong finally can have his first love, he’s married with Yurim. And Seungwan no doubt works on things she likes.

I love this drama, that I’ve already watched for the second time. First love, friendship of Tae Yang School kiddos, sportsmanship, scarificing, etc. Also I have to highlight that the Fencing Matches feel so real…. I can feel the tense. Thanks to the writernim and directornim for making this good drama. Realistic ending for us. The story of the first love between Na Hee Do and Baek Yijin that I never knew I needed in my life. I love them with all my heart, and… why I think 16 eps is not enough haha.

Na Hee Do: This is what I really want to say, Baek Yijin, You… comforted me by just being there. I grew up alone, and I was lonely. You held me in a warm embrace.

Baek Yijin: You helped me back on my feet during the hardest time of my life, if it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t be where I am right now

Actually I was afraid to write this drama, I was afraid I can’t write well because I like this drama so much. I really want to write a lot, a lot of good scenes I wanna share. But I think that’s it for now.

I finally can keep this good drama in my blog, as a good history in the future, as one of my fave kdramas. Good acting, Good directing, Good Script, Good cinematography. Oh I miss Na Hee Do, Baek Yijin and all already TT.

Watch on netflix

The cast also sing the OST, I love it.

Source: hancinema

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