A romance drama based on webtoon, So I Married The Anti-fan was a 2018 production drama and it takes 4 years until it finally be released on various OTTs in the world. I can’t help but falling in love with this drama. Though it’s a simple romance series, but I really like the plot, the simplicity the writer and director want to show us. What else we need from a romance kdrama, right. I’m interested in the cast: starring Choi Tae Joon (Who Joon), Sooyoung (Lee Geun Young), Chansung (Choi Jae Joon/JJ) and Han Ji An (Oh In Hyung).
I don’t read the webtoon tho but I find out that the plot of the drama is kind of different with the webtoon. Some parts are not in the drama, and turns out the drama is lighter. But I admit that it’s just a simple, predictable, and cheesy romance drama. However, let me hightlight why I love this drama and why you should try watching it *SPOILER*:
The Cast. Back in 2018, when this drama was announced that no TV broadcast wanted to air this production (if I’m not mistaken), I was a bit sad cos I really wanted to see the chemistry of Choi Tae Joon (Who Joon) and Sooyoung (Lee Geun Young). And then It was a good news when this drama finally be aired on some streaming platforms. And it’s when Taejoon finally dicharged from Military Duty. I really like Sooyung as an actor since Squad 38, and when she plays Seo DanA on Run On, I really really fell for Actor Sooyoung.

I think the last time I saw Taejoon was on Suspicious Partner? hm.. I kind of forgot his role there, but in this drama, I see Taejoon slowly digests the character. Sooyoung in my opinion really fits the character and it makes me adore Lee Geun Young hahaha. I think Sooyoung’s succeed in portraying a romcom female lead here. She can makes the character lively. And I like Chansung as Jae Joon acting here. My friend said he also plays on What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim and I think he’s getting better here. I can feel his emotion, his hidden anger from his face.
If I may share, I think this is one best scene between JJ and Who Joon. It’s in the eps 14, when I realized Chansung really plays well. The tense, the emotions. And I can’t control my tears from falling. Chansung and Taejoon great job.

The Character Development. Since this is a romance drama, we can predict the ending, right. But more than that, it’s about Who Joon and Geung Young hate each other at first then they become close and know each other well until they fall in love. I like how Who Joon is annoying and Geunyoung is clumpsy at first. Well, she’s the antifan of Who Joon. But thanks to the writer, their character development is really good.
Who Joon realizes that Geun Young comforts him well. Goon Young with her funny characters has another good side, she’s a good listener and can console others. Who Joon can be himself when he’s with Geunyoung. That’s the point. Not only she’s a loveble person for Who Joon, but for Jae Joon as well. Geung Young for Jae Joon is a friend he’s comfortable with.
And I believe Who Joon fall for that charm. Geun Young also realizes that Who Joon is not same person she predicts at first. He’s actually has good heart, considerate, sincere and care of her.
The healthy relationship. I like it that Who Joon and Geun Young relationship is not just a common relationship. Since they build it from being hate to each other, it makes them understand each other well. I remember, my favorite scene, when Geunyoung laptop got stolen and her old writing about The Two-Faced Who Joon is spread in the internet and it’s not good for Who Joon reputation. It’s so sad how Geun Young feels so guilty, says sorry with only “I’m So Sorry” (and cries) and Who Joon says, “Don’t be sorry, I should be sorry.” “Don’t worry about that and I’ll take care everything”. I like this scene, Who Joon doesn’t blame her because he trusts her, it’s an ‘old story’.
When The true identity of Who Joon got spread, and Who Joon career is at risk. Jae Joon and In Hyung get accident, and it makes Jae Joon can’t speak because of the trauma. It makes Who Joon so down. He’s so sad. Who Joon is asking Geun Young time for him to take care of his works, life and his precious friendship with Jee Joon and In Hyung, and will comeback soon. And Geun Young, even tho she’s sad and really wants to be with Who Joon at the hard times, she finally lets him go and trusts him. I like their relationship so much, that trust is everything here.
The Plot, The Ending. Since it’s romance we already predict the ending. The plot is ok since we are slowly brought to feel the hate of Who Joon and Geun Young and, then we can feel it that they fall in love. How Who Joon has his own secret, his career and broken friendship. How Geun Young from a nobody-reporter become a writer. I like the flow and the ending is satisfying, even though cringey and cheesy. Yeah, we like the cheesiness here haha.
Lastly, I want to add that I also like Who Joon’s Manager here, played by Kim Sun Hyuk. He’s very charming, handsome and really takes care of Who Joon well. He’s always there for Who Joon and knows him well. He’s there when Who Joon’s having hard time. And he supports what Who Joon wants including Who Joon’s relationship with Geunyoung. Who’s with me? 🙂

Photos: hancinema | Screencap: coffeecaramello | Clips: IQIYI