The Three Musketeers Episode 07


Episode 07: Mi Ryung and Hyang Sun. Princess finally knew that the court lady got stabbed and the one did it is Mi Ryung, the one who selected to be Princess before her. She also knew that Mi Ryung the one who stole the love letter.

While Dal Hyang waiting outside the room, Prince met Mi Ryung. Something emotional happened between them. I love these scenes very much. I can see from their eyes. Prince asked her how she’s been. Mi Ryung answered sentimentally. She told everything including Prince’s order to kill her and how she struggled her life to survive. She told every man was the same. Sincere at first but all lies.


Dal Hyang worried waiting for the Prince outside the room where Prince and Mi Ryung talking. He knew Mi Ryung was so scary.


Dal Hyang listened to the suspicious sound and came into the room. Yeah, Prince got shot, he got stabbed by Mi Ryung after their deep conversation. Prince asked Dal Hyang to stay outside and kept calm.


Well, no servant would back after seeing this. Dal Hyang said that, and it’s true.


Dal Hyang stepped outside. Prince continued with Mi Ryung. He said he missed her 🙁 Why I felt so sad. Mi Ryung was so glowing and shining. She touched my heart. Poor Mi Ryung. And how she lived…


Prince finally done. They went out. But Dal Hyang wanted to look after Mi Ryung and the one-eyed man. Prince said dont, cos he got Dal Hyang love letter back and let the authorities get the murderers.


Dal Hyang then burned the letter 🙁 Means he would forget the past…


Prince covered lots of blood. On the way to the doctor, Prince fainted bcos he’s bled a lot. Dal Hyang rescued him and brought him to the Minister, Prince’s Teacher.


Dal Hyang found a letter (I think about Kim Ja Jum plan, not sure) and gave it to the Minister Choi. He also asked the minister about how to protect the country when he saw Princess had to sacrifice himself and saved Yong Gol Day, deceived the King. He seemed confused. Minister Choi said future would judge if what they do for the country was right or not. Minister also asked Dal Hyang to decide what he would do to protect the country now with this situation.


Dal Hyang decided. He went to Kim Ja Jum to send the letter reply to KJJ. It’s Minister Choi’s handwriting. The point is to refuse KJJ offer. Look how confident Dal Hyang on these scenes. I love it 😀 Dal Hyang who was no longer an officer huhuhu.


The conclusion is Dal Hyang, Seung Po, Min Seo and servants had a scenario to hide that Prince got stabbed by Mi Ryung. OMG you have to watch this episode. I love how they tricked and trapped KJJ so KJJ was arrested by the authorities. He trapped as the one who stabbed the Prince. But not only KJJ, Dal Hyang, Seung Po and Min Seo were also arrested. Hahaha. Nice. That’s the story that I have been waiting for.


At the last scene, Prince who would be brought to the palace from the Minister Choi’s house met Dal Hyang and Dal Hyang declared that he was Prince’s man. So Dal Hyang who finally realized that everything in the past was bcos his jealousy, Prince took his woman. But now already changed his mind to be Prince’s person. Yeah. Dal Hyang smiled. Park Dal Hyang is BACK 😀



Daebak. This episode daebak. Mi Ryung caused all of this. I love Prince-Dal Hyang romance hahaha…. From Hate to Love relationship. I love how Dal Hyang finds his passion to protect the country. Dal Hyang also knows Prince’s feeling when he meets Mi Ryung, meeting the first love. He now understands the Prince’s feels married the girl he doesnt love.

But again, Dal Hyang, please don’t go home and protect the country… You can meet girl later. Okay 🙂

Mi Ryung in this episode is so beautiful. She is glowing. Sorry Princess, hehehe but Mi Ryung has her own charms too. The emotion in the drama is also very good.


What I noted this episode is that Dal Hyang looks so stunning and very handsome with his new outfit. He looks so good and handsome. I cant help but ended up capturing Yonghwa. ^^


See… So handsome. Handsomeness overload!!!! Yonghwa please, why u so good looking namja… <3

From the preview next week, I saw that Dal Hyang and musketeers would be in prison with the servants also. Seems so funny and cant wait this Sunday.

Watch Episode 07 on VIKI

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